Yoga Gives Back
Yoga Gives Back mobilizes practitioners worldwide to channel their gratitude into empowering India’s women and children to create sustainable lives.
Sally Parkes is honoured to be a part of the Yoga Gives Back global ambassador team.
“Over the years, I have been aware of YGB and the work they do, and have always admired them as an organisation that consistently does what it sets out to do. I am very grateful for the opportunity to work with YGB so I can also help give back to the motherland that generously gave us the gift of yoga.”
Yoga Gives Back is a wonderful charitable foundation that helps women and children from minority groups gain tools for life such as schooling and education and information on menstruation.
You can take a look at the wonderful work that YGB does, and find out how to get involved HERE
The Sound of the Self: Charity Concert for YGB
I feel very privileged to be involved in a fantastic upcoming event in aid of raising funds for Yoga Gives Back, collaborating with the awesome Tara Mitra and super talented Jonathan Ferrucci.
Charity Concert for Yoga Gives Back
June 10th, 7pm-9pm UK / 11am-1pm PST
Come along in person to the beautiful 1901 Arts Club in London or join us online via live streaming. This unique evening will be a blend of Vedic chanting (Tara), body scan meditation (myself), whilst listening to Bach’s Goldberg Variations on piano. (Jonathan). 🕉 🎹 🎵
Whether you’ll be joining us in person or virtually, your presence and monetary pledge will have an impact a lasting impact on YGB’s work. You can read more here about the work that Yoga Gives Back undertakes to empower women and girls in India
If you would like to purchase an in-person or virtual ticket, CLICK HERE
Watch this short video to find out more about the great work achieved by Yoga Gives Back.
Watch the replay of the “Women-in-Yoga Empowerment Conference”.
If you didn’t catch the YOGA & MENSTRUAL EQUITY session live, you can watch the reply of this epic, educational and empowering event for a small donation, via the link below:
With a small donation of just $10, you can also get access to YGB’s Gratitude Circle Online Classes, offering 150+ top quality yoga and mindfulness by all their global Ambassadors and Supporters.
This 2 hour session is led by Dr. Arundati Muralidharan, a global leader in Menstrual Equity and Health (Delhi, India) and Mina Das NGO partner NISHTHA (West Bengal, India) who share the reality of menstrual inequity among girls and women in rural India and beyond.
YGB’s Global Ambassadors Harmony Slater (Canada), Nea Ferrier (UAE), Pranidhi Varshney (USA) and Sally Parkes (UK) participate in an honest, thought-provoking dialogue and related practice sessions that will inspire you to understand and experience yoga and the menstrual cycle in terms of honoring the body and mind, and as a powerful way to #EmbraceEquity.
Yoga Gives Back(YGB) launched Pad Project in West Bengal in 2022, in partnership with The Pad Project and The Trotula Fund to help women and girls access safe and hygenic menstrual care in West Bengal.